Thursday, April 9, 2009

Candida Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms

LA MOUNTAIN gave birth to Mickey Mouse or ... "
premise that it was already well known for several months in the country that I would not be a candidate for purely personal reasons and family, because I was afraid I had tried to prevent and urgently with the many previous occasions it is unfortunately , occurred. Given
and confirming my humble thoughts do not need: vetoes, demonization, victims and / or worse heroes to solve a magic wand with the problems that afflict our country, only certainty, that together with many mates and friends, we totally agree, the name it, I absolutely methods of choice "Ad-partem" a single application and clear "nomenclature," Mayor the candidate nominated, Emilio Militello, we note that our concern "due to obvious difficulties in achieving effective alliance within the Democratic Party itself is still blocked by recent political events -administrative "with an invitation to dialogue and to overcome the conflict prelude to a possible new electoral success" has been upheld, and has actually materialized the split between the different "sensitivities" present in the PD.
The "festival of good intentions," "the priority of the program" and "perfect democratic path" aimed at identifying the candidate to be appointed mayor, have produced no "to the Mayor " but "against the Mayor " Unfortunately, with a possible "future political destabilization."
has lost a great opportunity to realize the spirit of the Democratic Party made "to unite" and not "against". And so the great mountain (PD) has given birth to the "mouse" and paved the way for large enterprises (CAN 'DO).
Frankly we have strong doubts that this Democratic Party, for the work of this "new" leadership sectional, and mainly, the "Mayor Candidate" chosen "democratically", Emilio Militello, currently expression or synthesis, or real majority, will find the strength and resources to overcome the engaging Secure future political destabilization "that will happen, because of internal differences in PD strong and obvious inconsistencies in the choice of allies in this country.
Gaetano Catalano


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