Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things Put Wedding Card

Sacher Turi

Sacher cake or "Sacher Torte" was created by eponymous nel1832 Franz Sacher, Austrian pastry chef at the court of Prince von Metternich Winnesburg, who invented just 16 years one of the world's most famous cakes. The secrets are jealously guarded Sacher cake from the pastry shop of the Hotel Sacher in Vienna, which produces handmade over 270,000 units per year. It consists of a chocolate sponge cake that is stuffed with a thin layer of apricot jam and coated surface by a layer of dark chocolate. The Sacher torte is served at a temperature of 16-18 degrees, served with unsweetened whipped cream and a cup of coffee or tea. The " Sacher Turi "is not an imitation of the" Sacher Torte "but an evolution. Here are the quantities of raw materials and operating procedures necessary to be able to prepare without any difficulty.

Ingredients needed ( Photo No. 1)
a) sponge

  1. No. 5 eggs
  2. 300 g Sugar
  3. 75 g Frumina
  4. 75 g flour 00
  5. 50 g Cocoa powder
  6. 1 packet of yeast "Bread of Angels"
  7. 50 g butter
b) & Filling Finishing
  1. Cream 1 liter
  2. 50 g Cocoa powder
  3. icing sugar to taste
  4. dark chocolate taste
  5. Candied Fruit qb

Break the eggs, separating whites from yolks. In a bowl large enough to put an egg and add to them half teaspoon of salt with a mixer mounted until the mass is obtained by adhering to the blades. Then, add the egg yolks (Photo n ° 2) and mixed with egg whites.

Add sugar and stir for a long time until it is completely dissolved. To verify that this was done, dip the tip of a finger in the ground and rubbing with the finger to another finger should not be feel the presence of sugar crystals.
At this point, add the yeast that, until the mass is not very viscous, it dissolves very well. Add, little by little, stirring the flour and frumina, stir together previously and finally, in small doses, cocoa (Photo No. 3). After homogenized very well cocoa, put 50 g of butter, the recipe in a small saucepan over medium heat and melt them. Pour the melted butter, stirring, preparation, and finished the addition, stir for a long time until it's seen more streaks of grease on the surface.

Butter a baking pan, preferably aluminum which conducts heat well, and after he had sprinkled flour and have shaken the excess, pour in the mixture (Photo n ° 4) .

Preheat oven to adjust the intensity of the flame temperature of 225 ° C. Introduce the pan and check the progress of cooking as follows: when the mass firing was inflated to its maximum expansion, it forms a perfect dome. Shake the oven without opening it. If cooking is not yet complete, we can see that the top of the dome vibrates. When it does not vibrate more, turn the oven off and leave in the pan for 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven (Photo No. 5) and let it cool, but not completely. The temperature of the pan, for a good mold of sponge cake without flaws, must be higher than the melting point of butter which has been preparing the release agent. Invert the pan, and shake the sponge is removed automatically (Picture No. 6).

When the sponge is well cooled, take back the clean glass bowl and put in the cream. With the mixer whip the cream following a few tips: the cream must be very cold and stop to mount only when it remains attached to the blades of the mixer (Photo No. 7) .

Add a spoon, the icing sugar. Mix and adjust the quantity initially in an approximate way. Gradually add cocoa, mix powdered sugar again and finally, adjusting the amount to add according to taste.

With a very sharp knife and big enough, cut the sponge cake, from the bottom, so you get three discs (Photo No. 8). To do this, easily, to rotate on the same sponge. Better if this happens with a rotating base on which to place the sponge.

Take a pie plate, put on the " tortenring " and inserting the third disc of sponge cake (Picture No. 9), wet it with a liqueur , diluted and sweetened to taste and, done that, load half of the whipped cream (Photo No. 10).

Continue to alternate layers with sponge cake and cream, making sure to put the disc of sponge cake, which was the bottom of it, finally. Put in refrigerator for several hours so that the cake will harden well and that the parties are well interpenetrate each other. If time is available, the better for a whole night. Remove the " tortenring " and proceed to peel off the top of the cake with a small spatula. This may be due to having wet the top with a liquid (Photo No. 11).

After that, take a small pot and bring it within about 3 / 4 stick of dark chocolate and about 10 g of butter (Photo No. 12). Place the pot on the stove and heat slowly until its contents to get a creamy paste.

With a spatula, spread melted chocolate on the cake and spread evenly (Photo No. 13). The amount of chocolate to make depends on your taste. It 'best not to exceed, otherwise it is formed, above the cake, one layer too hard. Keep in mind that the cake, the presence of cream inside, is served at about 10 ° C.

for smoothing the surface of the cake, use the back of a long knife or metal spatula, after being slightly warmed on the fire. To decorate the cake, You can use canned cherries and other fruits which consistently guests, which is offered, discarded.

As 2009 is the year of "blacks" because Obama did not dedicate this cake? The cake is entirely black. Including the figurine.

Good Luck Obama!

Note: " tortenring " you can buy in one of the "Stores" or as Kaufof Hertie in Germany. In Italy is at the Metro, and sometimes even from Lidl.


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