Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Causes For High Respiration


many, many affectionate wishes for 2008, happy for you and that is a harbinger of your dreams .......
I am always at your disposal for any request for clarification .....

Gaetano Catalano .........

Ms Condition_symptoms

Sorry for the delay on "Publication" of your comments .....

Hello everyone, I'm glad
the "Blog" starts to "turn" soon I'll write some responses to your comments, of course, as I said in the initial comment, those who have previously "sign" your comment.
I should point out however, that public Administrations, are not acts virtual, but real acts and accessible and therefore the first to comment on events and people in a little more precise in between the facts and time, you should read up well before fire on everyone, especially and particularly who, to date, has just spent most of the other virtual items, but did little to real for your country ...... and talking to do ...... is half of the sea!

Gaetano .......

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

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The Nativity . The first real
crib history was created in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. This practice became so popular that soon many other churches will join. Each created a special and unique crib. The scenes of the nativity were often decorated with gold, silver, jewelry and pity if preziose.Anche very popular among the wealthier classes, this wealth was the most distant from signigificato Gesù.Dobbiamo the birth of "our" crib current St. Francis of Assisi, who in 1224 decided to create the first Nativity as described in the Bible really was. The crib San Francisco that created the country of Greccio, was made of carved figures, straw and animal veri.Il message was direct and could be understood and acknowledged by all, rich and poveri.La popularity of the Nativity of St. Francis grew up to spread throughout the mondo.In France called Crèche, Krippe in Germany, Spain and Latin America called Nacimiento, the Czech Republic is said Jeslicky, Brazil is said Pesebre, and in Costa Rica is called Portal.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Ear Infections Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Pollino National Park

Where is
It covers 182 000 hectares, along the mountain range Pollino and Orsomarso, between Calabria and Basilicata. Covering the provinces of Matera, Potenza and Cosenza, for a total of 55 municipalities.

one time was a crucial junction in southern Italy, a result of various dominations have been going over the past centuries, the area of \u200b\u200bPollino fascinates the uniqueness of the historic buildings and preservation of natural landscapes. Here at the turn of the sixteenth century, settled Albanian communities, which are still intact and customs.

Why visit the immense wealth of flora, pine stands loricato symbol of the park and this up to a height of 2200 meters. La Grotta del Romito, at Papasidero, is one of the oldest archeological sites and more important in Europe, for the discovery of prehistoric human remains of more than ten thousand years ago.

Description Established in 1993, the Pollino National Park is the largest in Italy. Among the impressive mountain massifs stand out the top of Serra Dolcedorme (2267 meters) and the Monte Pollino (2248 m) which gave the name to the park.
is crossed several rivers, including the Sinni (97 kilometers) from the reservoir crossed Monte Cotugno, the largest dam in the clay of Europe, and Lao (67 kilometers), which gives its name to the State Reserve Lao River Valley.
The vegetation is very rich and differs according to altitude: up to 800 meters prevails if the Mediterranean (juniper, arbutus, oak) and near the mountain peaks dominate the oak and mixed forests. In the high-end, up to 2000 meters, the peaks are covered with beech trees.
butterflies, amphibians, insects, reptiles, shellfish, rodents, bats inhabit the gorgeous scenery of the park, not to mention the exceptional variety of birds, among which the rock partridge, the rare black woodpecker and the five Italian species of lark.
apply visit the towns included in the park, for their artistic heritage of the city walls Valsinni Cersosimo and the Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia in Papasidero, the old town of Morano Calabro to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Armi, near Cerchiara of Calabria.

In the Valley of the Mercure were found interesting palaeontological findings that can be seen in the Museum of Natural History in the Round.
The Albanian community in this area is among the most deeply rooted in Italy: St. Paul's Albanian and Civita, who have preserved intact the characteristics of agro-pastoral house the Museum of Civilization Arbëreshe protecting numerous objects, tools and costumes.

There are many access points to the park, given its large area.
The winter season is characterized by intense skiing, that excel sees cross-country skiing and mountaineering.
The rivers of different length allow you to go rafting and canoeing, while the trail attracts hikers and mountain bikers.
In the caves you can do exercises to caving, to discover details of the exceptional physical and biological environments analyzed. For information

National Park PollinoVia Arrow Tricolori 685,048 Rotonda (PZ) PZTel +390973669311 Fax: +390973667802
For more information
WWW: http://www.parcopollino.it/

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Double Vision And Kidney Failure

Dam Monte Cotugno

Sinni The dam intercepts the river at the bottom of a riverbed share amounted to 194.00 m. is located in the town of Senise, in the province of Potenza. Year built: 1972.
Managing Body: Agency for the Development of irrigation and land transformation in Puglia and Lucania. Underlying catchment: 804 sq km of the reservoir
Purpose: irrigation and drinking purposes.
Type: The structure and gravity on earth. Quote

plan crowning 258.00 masl
height of the dam * 68.00 m
** 64.00 m height of the dam
maximum fee adjustment 252.00 masl
fee maximum flooded 255.80 masl
Net adjustment mc
450 x 106 Total volume of 480 x 106 mc
invaded area at an altitude of max adj. 18:50 km2

The reservoir is equipped with two exhaust galleries served by the following work:

spillway n.1

Quote Threshold 252.00 masl
Max * 280.00 mc / s
spillway n.2

Quote of the threshold s. 252.00 m
Max 470.00 m * m / s
Discharge of middle-distance threshold

Quote 236.70m s. m
** Max 240.00 mc / s

Quote Threshold 201.07 masl
** Max 270.00 mc / s

share maximum * ** invaded

maximum fee adjustment

The spillway No 1, consists of a spillway 34 m long straight, located on the right bank. The tap water is collected by a gutter that directs the tunnel No 1. To prevent the tunnel is pressurized at the end of the gutter has been placed for a sector to restrict the flow transits.

The spillway No 2, consists of a spillway in the field to cup (radius 14.60 m) 30.58 m long, located on the left bank. The tap water is collected in No relief tunnel 2.

discharge of middle distance running, has two lights in the tunnel No grafts 2 at the base of the relief. The two lights are enclosed by two pairs of gates in size 3.20 x 2.40 m

The bottom outlet is formed by a branch that is inserted into the tunnel No 1. In the aforesaid branch is located the control room of the gate-off (2.50 mx 3.60 m).


geological features - Monte Cotugno

The reservoir basin that develops in the clay and clay formations - marly Pliocene-Calabria, and blocked downstream from a tongue of land which has a predominantly stone prepliocenici almost transverse to the trend of the watercourse. The water resistance of different formations than preplioceniche quellle Pliocene-Calabria, gave rise to the early formation of a valley about a mile long and an average width of two hundred meters.
E 'in this valley that developed the survey for the location of the section of the barrier is therefore the result of a choice dictated by the geological and geotechnical characteristics of these formations as well as the morphology of the places. In the section are restricted
Varicolori clays and alternations of sandstone, limestone and marl of flysch prepliocenico marly clay, covered in places by land from extensive landslides and all with very unfavorable geotechnical characteristics, the problems posed technical solutions that would lead to costly and inevitably subject to uncertainty and high risks.
Under the chosen area for the tax instead of the dam follow one another continuously from the valley upstream of the Miocene marl, and sandstone of middle Pliocene marly clays of the Pliocene-Calabria. The dam
committed to the entire width of the complex consisting of two teams both Pliocene land of fantastic features. The second is virtually waterproof. In this training should be to close the seal.
The formation of clay surfaces on taxes while the dam in the valley is covered with gravel-sandy alluvial material transported by the river Sinni and a thickness of around 10 meters.

Monday, June 4, 2007

High Respiration Rate

Why this Blog?

Best wishes to all those who interact with the blog. Why, then, I could not resist the temptation to run a blog, given the crowded spaces of this stack on the Net? First of all I want to clarify that some years ago, I launched a forum, but to tell the truth, has not been very successful, but I hope that this new attempt, can do "effect."
Then again, my passion for computing, I think by now well-known to all (if not all those who attend my three sites ( www.santaelisabetta.it - www.gaetanocatalano.com - www.evangelicitaliani.it ), a little bit because I wanted to see the effect of which is hidden, rather than an effect, I'd say more then I wanted to see the effects ......; possibility of a space in which to address many issues with all you and I will answer your many questions and the truth of the past administration of our St. Elizabeth, trying to reason over and groped together to arrive, in full conviction, to a "Truth", though not absolute.
However, I ask you one thing, of course, if you prefer, any "Post" and any "statement" or questions can be signed responsibly, bravely ...........
I take this opportunity to give warm greetings, Nina Catalano, best wishes for his blog, which I visit often and that you also give your address: http://www.selisabetta.blogspot.com ,
will be a Blog of many, but among the many who seek to circulate ideas, right or wrong they are ...
you look .......

Gaetano Catalano ...............