Friday, November 2, 2007

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Pollino National Park

Where is
It covers 182 000 hectares, along the mountain range Pollino and Orsomarso, between Calabria and Basilicata. Covering the provinces of Matera, Potenza and Cosenza, for a total of 55 municipalities.

one time was a crucial junction in southern Italy, a result of various dominations have been going over the past centuries, the area of \u200b\u200bPollino fascinates the uniqueness of the historic buildings and preservation of natural landscapes. Here at the turn of the sixteenth century, settled Albanian communities, which are still intact and customs.

Why visit the immense wealth of flora, pine stands loricato symbol of the park and this up to a height of 2200 meters. La Grotta del Romito, at Papasidero, is one of the oldest archeological sites and more important in Europe, for the discovery of prehistoric human remains of more than ten thousand years ago.

Description Established in 1993, the Pollino National Park is the largest in Italy. Among the impressive mountain massifs stand out the top of Serra Dolcedorme (2267 meters) and the Monte Pollino (2248 m) which gave the name to the park.
is crossed several rivers, including the Sinni (97 kilometers) from the reservoir crossed Monte Cotugno, the largest dam in the clay of Europe, and Lao (67 kilometers), which gives its name to the State Reserve Lao River Valley.
The vegetation is very rich and differs according to altitude: up to 800 meters prevails if the Mediterranean (juniper, arbutus, oak) and near the mountain peaks dominate the oak and mixed forests. In the high-end, up to 2000 meters, the peaks are covered with beech trees.
butterflies, amphibians, insects, reptiles, shellfish, rodents, bats inhabit the gorgeous scenery of the park, not to mention the exceptional variety of birds, among which the rock partridge, the rare black woodpecker and the five Italian species of lark.
apply visit the towns included in the park, for their artistic heritage of the city walls Valsinni Cersosimo and the Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia in Papasidero, the old town of Morano Calabro to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Armi, near Cerchiara of Calabria.

In the Valley of the Mercure were found interesting palaeontological findings that can be seen in the Museum of Natural History in the Round.
The Albanian community in this area is among the most deeply rooted in Italy: St. Paul's Albanian and Civita, who have preserved intact the characteristics of agro-pastoral house the Museum of Civilization Arbëreshe protecting numerous objects, tools and costumes.

There are many access points to the park, given its large area.
The winter season is characterized by intense skiing, that excel sees cross-country skiing and mountaineering.
The rivers of different length allow you to go rafting and canoeing, while the trail attracts hikers and mountain bikers.
In the caves you can do exercises to caving, to discover details of the exceptional physical and biological environments analyzed. For information

National Park PollinoVia Arrow Tricolori 685,048 Rotonda (PZ) PZTel +390973669311 Fax: +390973667802
For more information


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