Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sample Of Congratulation To Baby

Record attendance at "A Love Song for a smile," Angels of the Association for Children

The music and singing to play the charity event "A Song for a Smile" for children of Basilicata. Two evenings of celebration that saw the protagonists children and adolescents in schools Potenza who performed on the stage of Teatro F. Stable power. The initiative sponsored by the City of Power and promoted and organized by Angels for Children has been a record attendance: 980 people, 180 children who participated with the cooperation of schools that have joined and specifically, the School of ' Childhood Alcide De Gasperi, the U. Elementary School Mercury, the middle school D. Savio, the Institute Comprehensive Sinisgalli and Elementary School D. Viola. The evenings were presented by journalist Anna Sodano. Fundamental was the commitment shown by the children followed by their teachers with support in the management and the availability of the families. The Angels for Children Association is involved in projects and initiatives to support children in need and "A Love Song for a smile," in the 2010, collected in two evenings of entertainment at the theater Stabile, about 1,500,00 euro, the whose proceeds were intended for children of needy families homes. All this was possible thanks to the donations not only from the public and all those who supported the event, but also the sponsors who are committed both in an economic contribution, both in providing services to offer a smile to the wonderful world of childhood. A special thanks was addressed to the mayor of the city of Potenza, Eng. Vito Santarsiero sensitive, along with all the local authority on events and charity projects. "We have nothing to envy - the mayor said Santasiero - to festivals in other cities that organize initiatives that reward the merits of solidarity. With a few € and without burdening the municipal administration, we were able to make an important intervention for children of Basilicata in conditions of difficulty. " "A song for a smile" has made its first steps last year in collaboration with the Department of Education. A first step that has signed only the beginning of a series of activities put in place by the Association for Children Angels as already explained Councillor for Education, Mr.. Massimo Maria Molinari and now vice mayor of the city of Potenza. "The applause of the event - said the Deputy Mayor Molinari - is to act as an educational moment that involves the world of education, childhood and family. This is an enrichment in terms of community values. " A successful than anticipated, even after that achieved with the first edition of the Carnival City Power and "The land of Cockaigne" involving over 900 children. Singing and musical event was also attended by the Vice President of the Basilicata Region, Dr. Agatino Mancusi, regional councilor, Dr.. Straziuso Gennaro, the city councilor to the Roads, Antonio Pesarini. An important presence to show how important it is to work to create networks of solidarity and spread more and more a mindset focused on the needs of children. Great support was shown by the manager and official of Culture of Power, Dr.. Joseph Pace and Pierre De Marca. The Association Angels for Children has also revived, in this edition, the Prize 'Rosa Napoli' named after a woman who has dedicated his entire life to the next and always has been at the forefront with the other volunteers of the Association to try to make happy children who did not live simple social situations. The prize was awarded to the Italian Red Cross Regional Committee in the person of its Commissioner, Dr. Anna Scalise and the Office of Civil Protection of the Municipality of power, represented by the head of Louis Cecere to thank fielded by those work in response actions to the community thanks to the professionalism and humanity that have guaranteed in times of major problems such as the earthquake of 1980 but also in small everyday actions. Breaking down all forms of discrimination that affects children is the basis of operation of those who work as volunteers within the Association for childre Angels and in this respect - said the head of the organizing secretary of the event, Erica Sergio - "could think of extending the event to all the region by creating a festival, lasting a week, involving all the schools in Basilicata. It would also be an opportunity to implement tourism offerings combining the values \u200b\u200bof the "A Love Song for a Smile" with the cultural aspect related to the promotion and knowledge of the area Lukan. The success of this initiative was made possible thanks to the work done by those who worked behind the scenes at the Teatro Stabile. Thanks to the engineer assigned to the lights and Marco Angelucci VDS and the Italian Red Cross staff theater Stabile, Angelo Coviello.

For information contact:

Head office: Via Tirreno, 4 - 85100 Potenza
Mobile: 327 7176556

Organizing Committee: Maria Erica Sergiano
Mobile: 329 8739223

Press Officer: Anna Sodano
Mobile: 347 1877150
e-mail: sodano.annamaria

@ or visit the website:


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