Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wedding Favors Chapstick

Since summer's here, the heat is better to speak of ice cream.


The introduction of ice, almost as we know it today, is due to a "Francesco Procopio of Knives", a Sicilian nobleman, who decided in 700, by far Giarre, a village at the foot of Etna, to emigrate to Paris, where he founded and served for the first time to the ice in Paris "Café Procope".

The "Café" offering: the frozen waters, (the slush of today) and sorbets to fruit juice, lemon orange and strawberry, having obtained the grant by Louis XIV for the exclusive sale of those sweets. The "Café Procope" became the most famous meeting point for French.

turned later in a restaurant, still exists in its historic headquarters in "Rue de l'Ancienne Comedie." I went there for dinner once, during a trip to Paris at a plastics trade show. I only remember that I was served a "hors-d'oeuvre," which consisted of two scoops of ice cream of tomato juice. Try it for the elegance of its interiors, which are spread over three floors ... but be careful to account!

ice cream today are very different and less cumbersome to do than to "Procope", which, to cool the temperature of -5 ° to -7 ° C, was used as a source of cold, a mixture of snow and salt.

now using machines equipped with compressors and mixers, commonly called ice cream.

Composition of Gelati Gelati

I fall into two broad categories:
· Ice Milk Ice Water.

the first category of Ice Cream, Chocolate, Coffee, Nougat, mozzarella, etc..

the second belong to the fruit ice cream.

All Gelati in their composition containing an additive commonly called "Neutral" [1] which has the function of:

· Give a creamy ice cream, avoiding that it becomes a "Icicle."
• facilitate, during their preparation, the emulsion with air in the phase of so-called "creaming."

Preparation of "Neutral"

The Neutral is added at a rate of about 5 to 7 grams (just a teaspoon full) per liter ice cream. Its preparation is as follows:

Place in a saucepan, for about half a liter, the Neutral and 50 g of sugar, taken from the total amount of sugar used in the recipe. Add them in small doses, the liquid (milk, water or coffee, as appropriate) in order to obtain first a solid mass and then, warming slightly on the stove and stirring a creamy mass. Add, stirring constantly with a spoon, about ½ liter of liquid the recipe, resulting in the end of the operation, a mass slightly creamy.
Be careful not to darken the mass on the bottom the pot!

Preparing Eggs

If the ice provides the eggs, peel them before, you should wash them in tap water and then soak for a few minutes in water containing a little bleach to disinfect the outside, so to prevent germs contained in the outer shell of the egg, can contaminate the ice. After you separate the yolks from the clear, beat the egg yolks with remaining sugar the recipe to obtain a homogeneous mass of foam.

With this background, we turn to the composition of the various Ice distinguishing the two categories mentioned above.

Gelato Fiordilatte


700 ml whole milk 300 ml whipping cream 250 g sugar

1 packet of vanilla
5 g of neutral

Prepared neutral, hot-add the vanilla, the remaining milk , sugar and cream.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

ice cream


500 ml whole milk 500 ml whipping cream 300 g sugar

5 g of neutral

5 egg yolks 2 tablespoons liqueur Strega or Galliano.

Having prepared the neutral and beaten eggs with sugar, add to these the neutral hot and then the cream and liqueur.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

Chocolate Gelato


500 ml whole milk 500 ml whipping cream 300 g sugar

125 g Cocoa powder Perugina
5 g of neutral
50 ml of water with cinnamon ( a stick of cinnamon boiled in 50 ml of water).

Prepare the neutral, as usual, then add to it in order: cocoa, sugar, remaining milk, cream, and then the water of cinnamon.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

coffee ice cream

500 ml Well concentrated coffee, made from the Moka
500 ml of whipping cream 5 g
250 g Sugar

Prepare using Neutral as liquid coffee. Then add the remaining sugar and cream.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

strawberry ice

Composition 700 g strawberries 250 g sugar Clean

lemon juice 5 g Water 300 ml Neutral

Place in a bowl in the refrigerator, since the evening first, the strawberries, washed well and reduced to pieces, together with 200 g of sugar and lemon juice. The next day, go through the mill [2] the strawberries that were soaked in the meantime. Mix the past with the neutral obtained previously prepared with 300 ml of water and 50 g sugar provided.

Gelato Lemon

400 g Lemon Juice 600 ml water

5 g 300 g sugar.

Prepare neutral with water and sugar, as usual, then add the lemon juice and remaining sugar. Boil all in a pot for several minutes to occur, "the reverse" sugar
[3] . Put a freeze in the ice cream.

The ice cream just now described may be varied at will by adding, for example, at the end of the freezing phase: the Fiordilatte bits of dark chocolate to get the taste Stracciatella "or nougat finely crushed to get a taste of" Torrone ". At the ice cream you can add finely chopped candied sugar and rum to get the taste Croccantino Rum, Sultanas or softened in order to obtain the Marsala-flavored ice cream "Malaga".

Gelato remains, however, a product of your imagination. But be careful not to overdo it! "Francesco Procopio dei Knives" is turning in his grave!
[1] A typical neutral has the following composition: Dextrose, Carob seed flour (E410), guar seed flour (E412), Sodium alginate (E401). The recommended dosage is: 5-7 grams per liter of ice cream.
[2] not use the blender or the whole takes on the taste of freshly cut grass!
[3] To reverse sugar means the splitting of the molecule of sucrose (sugar) into simpler molecules: glucose and fructose


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