Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wedding Favors Chapstick

Since summer's here, the heat is better to speak of ice cream.


The introduction of ice, almost as we know it today, is due to a "Francesco Procopio of Knives", a Sicilian nobleman, who decided in 700, by far Giarre, a village at the foot of Etna, to emigrate to Paris, where he founded and served for the first time to the ice in Paris "Café Procope".

The "Café" offering: the frozen waters, (the slush of today) and sorbets to fruit juice, lemon orange and strawberry, having obtained the grant by Louis XIV for the exclusive sale of those sweets. The "Café Procope" became the most famous meeting point for French.

turned later in a restaurant, still exists in its historic headquarters in "Rue de l'Ancienne Comedie." I went there for dinner once, during a trip to Paris at a plastics trade show. I only remember that I was served a "hors-d'oeuvre," which consisted of two scoops of ice cream of tomato juice. Try it for the elegance of its interiors, which are spread over three floors ... but be careful to account!

ice cream today are very different and less cumbersome to do than to "Procope", which, to cool the temperature of -5 ° to -7 ° C, was used as a source of cold, a mixture of snow and salt.

now using machines equipped with compressors and mixers, commonly called ice cream.

Composition of Gelati Gelati

I fall into two broad categories:
· Ice Milk Ice Water.

the first category of Ice Cream, Chocolate, Coffee, Nougat, mozzarella, etc..

the second belong to the fruit ice cream.

All Gelati in their composition containing an additive commonly called "Neutral" [1] which has the function of:

· Give a creamy ice cream, avoiding that it becomes a "Icicle."
• facilitate, during their preparation, the emulsion with air in the phase of so-called "creaming."

Preparation of "Neutral"

The Neutral is added at a rate of about 5 to 7 grams (just a teaspoon full) per liter ice cream. Its preparation is as follows:

Place in a saucepan, for about half a liter, the Neutral and 50 g of sugar, taken from the total amount of sugar used in the recipe. Add them in small doses, the liquid (milk, water or coffee, as appropriate) in order to obtain first a solid mass and then, warming slightly on the stove and stirring a creamy mass. Add, stirring constantly with a spoon, about ½ liter of liquid the recipe, resulting in the end of the operation, a mass slightly creamy.
Be careful not to darken the mass on the bottom the pot!

Preparing Eggs

If the ice provides the eggs, peel them before, you should wash them in tap water and then soak for a few minutes in water containing a little bleach to disinfect the outside, so to prevent germs contained in the outer shell of the egg, can contaminate the ice. After you separate the yolks from the clear, beat the egg yolks with remaining sugar the recipe to obtain a homogeneous mass of foam.

With this background, we turn to the composition of the various Ice distinguishing the two categories mentioned above.

Gelato Fiordilatte


700 ml whole milk 300 ml whipping cream 250 g sugar

1 packet of vanilla
5 g of neutral

Prepared neutral, hot-add the vanilla, the remaining milk , sugar and cream.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

ice cream


500 ml whole milk 500 ml whipping cream 300 g sugar

5 g of neutral

5 egg yolks 2 tablespoons liqueur Strega or Galliano.

Having prepared the neutral and beaten eggs with sugar, add to these the neutral hot and then the cream and liqueur.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

Chocolate Gelato


500 ml whole milk 500 ml whipping cream 300 g sugar

125 g Cocoa powder Perugina
5 g of neutral
50 ml of water with cinnamon ( a stick of cinnamon boiled in 50 ml of water).

Prepare the neutral, as usual, then add to it in order: cocoa, sugar, remaining milk, cream, and then the water of cinnamon.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

coffee ice cream

500 ml Well concentrated coffee, made from the Moka
500 ml of whipping cream 5 g
250 g Sugar

Prepare using Neutral as liquid coffee. Then add the remaining sugar and cream.
Freeze in ice cream maker.

strawberry ice

Composition 700 g strawberries 250 g sugar Clean

lemon juice 5 g Water 300 ml Neutral

Place in a bowl in the refrigerator, since the evening first, the strawberries, washed well and reduced to pieces, together with 200 g of sugar and lemon juice. The next day, go through the mill [2] the strawberries that were soaked in the meantime. Mix the past with the neutral obtained previously prepared with 300 ml of water and 50 g sugar provided.

Gelato Lemon

400 g Lemon Juice 600 ml water

5 g 300 g sugar.

Prepare neutral with water and sugar, as usual, then add the lemon juice and remaining sugar. Boil all in a pot for several minutes to occur, "the reverse" sugar
[3] . Put a freeze in the ice cream.

The ice cream just now described may be varied at will by adding, for example, at the end of the freezing phase: the Fiordilatte bits of dark chocolate to get the taste Stracciatella "or nougat finely crushed to get a taste of" Torrone ". At the ice cream you can add finely chopped candied sugar and rum to get the taste Croccantino Rum, Sultanas or softened in order to obtain the Marsala-flavored ice cream "Malaga".

Gelato remains, however, a product of your imagination. But be careful not to overdo it! "Francesco Procopio dei Knives" is turning in his grave!
[1] A typical neutral has the following composition: Dextrose, Carob seed flour (E410), guar seed flour (E412), Sodium alginate (E401). The recommended dosage is: 5-7 grams per liter of ice cream.
[2] not use the blender or the whole takes on the taste of freshly cut grass!
[3] To reverse sugar means the splitting of the molecule of sucrose (sugar) into simpler molecules: glucose and fructose

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pokemon Mixed Up Poptropica

Activities such as Ice Cream Maker Film

Salvatore (Turi) Consoli, since the mid-50s, is interested in amateur Cinema, involved in the making of films in 8 mm. In the mid-60s he joined the "Cine Club Photo Mount Etna, Catania, adhering to FEDIC. In 1963 he made his first short film in 8 mm and, since 1968, began to participate as author, the film festival unprofessional.

In 1974 he moved to Venice where he joined the "Cine Club Venice." From 1968 to 1983 makes 14 films being presented at numerous film festival not professional, win prizes, and some of them are selected for the International Festival of Montecatini. One of his film is selected for the festival in Brussels and Lisbon and the French TV "Antenne 2".

Following the crisis of the Super 8, he goes first to the Video 8, which would enable him to obtain works of all'Hi8 acceptable level and then, finally arriving to digital technology. finding the time to make his first video, after 18 years! He has always cared for, personally, editing and sound of their works.

Recently, one of his movies (such as Venice?), Along with works by other authors, including: Francesco Pasinetti, Ermanno Olmi and Luciano Emmer, you become part of the DVD content in the book "Venice is a city" published by Marsilio. Professionally, the author has a degree in Chemistry and has been working as a researcher in the field of Plastics (Polyurethane), first in a major Italian company and later as a freelancer. He is married with two children and recently became a grandfather. He lives in Venice and, since 2007, is an independent author.

FILMOGRAPHY, AWARDS WON Participation in exhibitions and

SENTIMENTAL (1967) 8 mm, documentary, bn.
° IV National Review of Amateur Film - Catania (Coppa Prov.le)
· The Film Competition Regional - Messina (Cup)
· V Competition Film - Nicolosi (Targa).

(1968) 8 mm, reportage, bn.
· XIII International Festival of Film in Reduced Size - Merano (Cup)

ETNA LIVE (1971) 8 mm, reportage, color.
· IX National Festival of Amateur Film - Catania (Trophy Silma)
· II National Festival of Amateur Films - Tortona (Golden Lion)
· V National Festival of Amateur Film - Iglesias (Cup Pres.nte Region )
· II National Festival of Film on Mountain - San Vito, Borca, Vodo (Plate II Classified)
· XIII National Film Competition unprofessional - Padova (Resto del Carlino Trophy for Best Documentary)
· II National Review "The Bagattino - Treviso (II Classified Prize and Cup for the best color photograph)
° IV National Festival of Amateur Film - Casteggio (Targa)

(1972) 8 mm, subject and color.
· X National Festival of Amateur Film - Catania (III Classified)
· III National Competition Cineamatori - Cesenatico (Reporting)
° VI National Festival of Amateur Film - Tortona (Prize).

(1977) 8 mm, reportage, color.

(1978) 8 mm, reportage, color.

(1980) 8 mm, documentary, color.
· XXXI International Film Festival is not Professional - Montecatini (Admitted to Section "Size 80")
· XII National Festival of Amateur Film - Iglesias (III Classified)
· XI National Festival of Amateur Film - Tortona (Award )

(1980) 8 mm, reportage, color.
· XXXI International Film Festival is not Professional - Montecatini (Admitted to View)
· XVI National Competition Film unprofessional - Padova (Prize)

(1981) S8, subject, color.
· XXXII International Film Festival is not Professional - Montecatini (accepted for the exhibition and selected for the National Film Festival of Grottaferrata S8)
· XVII National Film Competition unprofessional - Padova (Award for special effects)
· XIV National Review Film d'Amateur - Tortona (Best Animated Film category)

like Venice?
(1982) 8 mm, documentary, color.
· XIV Review National Film Amateur - Iglesias (Prize and Audience Award)

(1982) 8 mm, reportage, color.
· XXX International Film Festival is not Professional - Montecatini (Admitted to View)
SHOW (1983) S8, reportage, color.
· Valdarno Cinema FEDIC (Selected for the XXXV International Film Festival of Montecatini unprofessional
· XVI National Festival of Amateur Film - Iglesias (Cup and Medal KODAK)
· XX National Film Competition unprofessional - Padova (the Targa FEDIC Rome Targa Ente Fiera di Padova, Moviola Firm RCE, lithograph of the Lion's Club in Padova).

(1983) S8, reportage, color.
· Valdarno Cinema FEDIC (FEDIC Cup and was selected for the XXXV International Film Festival of Montecatini unprofessional
· Select from the French television "Antenne 2"
· Select for the International Exhibition of Lisbon "10 Anos de Super 8 no Mundo
· Select for Super 8 Film Festival of Brussels.
· Gattamelata XIX Competition Gold - Padua - National Competition Award
· XVII Villa Church - Iglesias - Prize

(2002) Hi8, reportage, color.
· Fano International Film Festival 2002
(2003) Hi8, reportage color.
· Fano International Film Festival 2003
· Valdarno Film Festival 2004
· 41 ° Frame Gold - Trieste 2004

(2003) D8, reportage, color.

Tournament of Arms (2003) D8, reportage, color.
· Fano International Film Festival 2004

(2004) D8, reportage, black and white color.
· Fano International Film Festival 2005
· 42 ° Frame Gold - Trieste 2005

QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL (2005) D8, subject and color.

THE LION goes into hibernation
(2005) D8, reportage, color

(2006) D8, reportage, color
· Fano International Film Festival 2006
· 43 ° Festival Internazionale Trieste 2006

SEPTEMBER SONG (2006) D8, documentary, color
· Prize Special Jury Award at the 4th Estonian Film Festival Tallinn
· Fano International Film Festival 2007
· Farriers in Corto 2009: 2nd Place Award and Prize for the best cultural message

(2007) D8, reportage, color
• 5 ° Estonian Film Festival in Tallinn 2007

(2007) D8, reportage, color
- Special Jury Prize at the 6th Estonian Film Festival in Tallinn


SENTIMENTAL (1967) documentary, bn, duration: 32 minutes. Taking
one of many "Sentimental Walk" of the writer Saverio Catanese Trust, the camera creeps in Catania eighteenth century, so admirably built, under the guidance of architect Vaccarini, a disciple of Bernini, after the catastrophic destruction caused by the eruption of ' Etna in 1669 and the earthquake of 1693. In a black and white that sometimes turns to sepia or blue movie aims to express the deep feelings of the writer towards his city.

(1968) reports, bn duration: 16 minutes.
On May 10 of each year, Trecastagni, a small village on the slopes of Etna, are three brothers celebrated the martyrs Sant'Alfio, San San Cirino and Philadelphus. It 'a very ancient festival which brings together the devotees who think they have received a pardon from the three saints. Considers the popular belief that the deaf and dumb, even if for a few moments, unable to speak, invoking the grace to the saints. A spontaneous choreography of participants means that you mix in a pot-pourri: storytellers, vendors of roasted garlic and chickpeas, and some Catania perform in a race with the gigs are pulled by their horses.

ETNA LIVE (1971) report, color, length: 28 minutes.
The man has lived on the slopes of Etna little income from mol- years, attracted by the mild climate and fertile land. But living on the slopes of the volcano, can often mean the destruction helplessly to what you have.

(1972) subject, color, length: 28 minutes.
Desmond Morris, English scholar of the life of monkeys, noted a parallel between the behavior of the animal that lives in captivity in the Zoo and the man of our civilization. In the "Fight for the incentives" is highlighted one of the many aspects of human behavior, even in comparison with that animal.

(1977) report, color, length : 27 minutes.
A trip to London on the occasion of Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. It 'an opportunity to visit the city with the neighborhoods, going up to Cambridge, Oxford and Stratford on Avon.

(1978) report, color, length: 32 minutes
visiting, for business reasons, the three Maghreb countries and Kenya, the author raises the question of whether or not to provide them with chemicals and technologies, changing, beyond repair, their way of life or is more just let them stay anchored to their old patterns of development and progress. The film is also a mea culpa of the author.

(1980) documentary, color, length: 10 minutes.
Like a kaleidoscope, where the images follow each other, one behind the other, new and unique, Venice takes on different aspects with the changing seasons, the weather and circumstances created by man, always making a frame to the immutable great stage of life.

(1980) report, color, length: 11 minutes.
Each year, in Venice, the first Sunday of September, there is the Historical Regatta. Television provides extensive documentation there. There is however, revealed what happens in the city, invaded by a multitude of tourists.

(1980) subject, color, length: 17 minutes
our children, rather than our own, are children of the TV. They are ready, if asked, to speak at length about "Mazinger Z", the missiles with nuclear warheads, Popeye, spinach, energy fotoatomica, like Brezhnev, Reagan and missiles in Europe. With so much "culture", it is clear that if the TV news announced that an asteroid was going to fall on the ground in front of the impotence of the United States and the Soviet Union, they would have without doubt a sure way to destroy it.

like Venice?
(1982) documentary, color, length: 22 minutes.
period in Venice are organized for residents, because of the referendum to decide if Venice and Mestre are yet to be a common one. This is no small wonder the Italians at that time they discover that Venice and Mestre are nothing more than the city itself. But on those occasions, or in any other, is never revealed the true face of the entire "land" of Venice, with its problems, its people and its culture. On the one hand "Venice": the noble, the rich. On the other Marghera: the ghetto. A quarter of same-city areas that does not have the right to call Venice.

(1982) report, color, length: 20 minutes.
Several times I wondered why on a foggy winter's day and I took the train has gone to Sicily to get to see a party that, when it was living, not worthy of any attention. Perhaps the desire to embrace the family remained there? The physical need to take some 'sun and breathe a little' clean air? Or, going ahead with the years, I'm beginning to value other things ....

SHOW (1983) report, color, length: 23 minutes.
Etna is a volcano in constant activity that can be defined as low hazard index. Periodically, gives rise to spectacular eruptions, which generally invest the North-East. Contrary to all expectations, the eruption of 1983 that swept the South side is the most populated. Among many controversies, it was decided to pervert the course of casting, using explosives. But, as often happens, human nature was stronger and won.

(1983) report, color, length: 13 minutes.
On May 10 of each year Trecastagni, a small village on the slopes of Etna, are celebrated the three martyred brothers: S. Alfio, S. Cirino and S. Philadelphus. In the midst of sacred rites, votive candles, storytellers, Sicilian carts, and ex-voto, a wild horse race el'incombente fire of the volcano.

(2002) report, color, length: 22 minutes.
In the first week of September, at the Lido of Venice hosts the "Venice International Film Festival." The eye, at times intrusive, the camera documents the ritual.

(2003) reports., Col., Duration: 26 '
The Venice Film Festival turned 70 years old and shows them in full. It starts from a small event on the terrace of the Hotel Excelsior in 1932, became an international event of great importance in the '50s and '60s, going slowly to a relentless decline in the 70s. Today, looking at it closely, it appears as something provisional, despite efforts to keep it alive.

(2003) report, color, length: 60 minutes
Turkey, a bridge between East and West, has always fascinated those who have visited it. The colors, flavors and its mysteries fascinate the visitor so much to be desired, once started, to come back again.

Tournament of Arms (2003) report, color, length: 18 minutes.
Every year in early autumn, in San Gemini, a small medieval village in southern Umbria, there is the "Tournament of Arms" horse in a tournament in which the two districts Rocca Piazza and challenge each other to win the grabs. On this occasion, and for the duration of the festival are now open "Taverne", where the menu, music and loud voices of the people, creating that magical atmosphere which is the true essence of Umbria.

60th EXHIBITION, ie, that the "TV" Do not show
(2004) reports, color, duration: 30 minutes
After 60 editions of the "International Film Festival in Venice, television shows, as always, the usual faces, made the opening night of the final and some flash on the films in competition and celebrities who attend. It is never suggested to the audience what it is, in reality, behind the scenes, the difficulties faced by workers, the long hours of waiting to enter the room or to photograph the stars. For an alien who was the first time at the Venice Film Festival, it would seem that, rather than the "Biennale", belongs to the "Westin Excelsior", such is the profusion of spaces occupied premises. But perhaps the Lido, such as TV shows, is not the appropriate place for that event.

QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL (2005) report, color, length: 32 minutes.
After 50 years, some high school friends meet to celebrate the anniversary of their maturity. Many do not recognize. Some have disappeared, including one of them early. They, after maturity, have traveled different roads that led them to more or less important roles in society. The meeting is likely to become a sad ritual. And if for a moment, imagine that these gentlemen vintage men, instead of having attended a high school they attended a music conservatory? The trombones there ... and someone to wind the horn with no content.

THE LION goes into hibernation
(2005) report, color, duration: 9 minutes.
The Lions, after 11 days of tan in the sun on the Lido of Venice, they hibernate in the warehouses of the Biennale. Will be used again for another three editions, and then will go on sale, to adorn, perhaps, the garden of the villa of some eccentric collector. But what has cost such a hoax? Very much. Perhaps it would be better to redo the facade of the Palazzo del Cinema, once and for all.

(2005) report, color, length: 26 minutes.
The 61st Venice Film Festival, in addition to its beautiful facade, highlights the precariousness of the event that, after 60 editions, has not yet been able to achieve a dignified and definitive structure. The images suggest that the media are always those players who reside in 5-star hotels, attending the show for a few hours, along routes reserved. On the contrary, there is also a large audience, coming from 5 continents, you see, judge and report. And between them there is also Peter ...

SEPTEMBER SONG (2006) documentary, color, length: 10 minutes
periodically occurring events that disrupt the life of humanity. After that nothing is as it was before. So since the rise of fascism ....

(2007) report, color, length: 15 minutes
The phenomenon of high water, occurs when sea level rise due to the lunar phases, adding that due a sudden lowering of atmospheric pressure along with a strong bora wind, coming from the north-east, which pushes the sea, from the Adriatic into the lagoon of Venice. When the oil reaches 110 cm above mean sea level, the entire area marciana go underwater with great amusement of the tourists present.

(2007) report, color, duration: 9 minutes.
A woman with her child goes to visit Venice, the Biennale of Art. At the end of the visit, the woman was so upset by what he saw, he would like to take justice into their own hands. But, a cartel is exposed to desist, because she herself, after all, is complicit ....

Cover Letter Sample Dental Hygiene


Salvatore Consoli began his research in 1961 at the Edison Soc (Chemical Industry) in the Establishment of Priolo (Siracusa), where over 7 years development interests Products and processes in the area of \u200b\u200bpotash and fertilizers high Ternary title.

In 1970, following the merger between Edison and Montecatini Soc, he joined the Research Directorate of Montedison, affects up to 1974 by developing products and processes in the field of Polyether polyols (polymer intermediates for polyurethanes).

From 1975 to 1988 at the Centre for Research in Montedison P. Marghera (Venezia), the Group Leader R & D and technical support to clients of Flexible Polyurethane Intermediates for "Tedimon" and "Glendion" that EniChem ( [ 1] ) Polymers produced in factories in Priolo, P. Marghera and Brindisi.

Following his retirement, he worked as a freelancer. As a consultant, lends her work full time from 1988 to 1994 and from 1998 to 2001, at Soc.Alcantara Nera Montoro (Terni), which produces the eponymous Suede Synthetic Furniture and Auto. From 1995 to 1997 he was consultant to the Scientific American Soc Design of Little Ferry, NJ (USA) for the development of technologies for the production of polyols and Polyethers consultant Soc Sunger Kimya Birlik (TR) for the production of flexible polyurethane continuous block.


part of Montedison Soc reaches an experience, in polyurethanes, certainly of considerable importance at a European level, amount of experience in succession: Synthesis of polyols, polyurethane technology and physical-mechanical characterization of the foam. He is, in fact, for 14 years, the technical reference point of Soc Montedison for technical marketing of 60 to 70% for the Polyurethane Intermediates by it.

In this position, is constantly called by the flexible polyurethane foam manufacturers in Italy and abroad, maintaining technical contacts with houses also automobiliostiche (Fiat, Audi, Citroen). For about 9 years he was appointed head of the Study Group 5 of the Technical Subcommittee 12 dell'Uniplast (Federated UNI).

Experience, described above, is enriched with the work done on ulteriolmente Polyurethanes Solvent-based, at Nera Montoro Soc Alcantara which produces two proprietary know-how developed by the writer.

level of notoriety '

Besides being known within the Montedison Soc (hereinafter Eni-Mont, and then Eni Chem), it is also internationally, to have presented work at international conferences and published specialized technical journals.

In Montedison, he is constantly called to be part of the staff responsible to receive, in P. Marghera, foreign delegations interested in the flexible polyurethane foam industry. As
in charge of Development and Technical Assistance of its Sector, maintains technical contacts with leading European companies such as Flexible Polyurethane Foam, to name a few, and ORSA ELM in Italy, UK DUNLOP, DUNLOP DUNLOP German and French, German and Austrian GREINER; NAUE German and Austrian; CALIGEN UK; RECTICEL Belgium, VEENENDAAL German, etc.., having, thus, evidence technicians with well-known personalities at international level. He

, over 14 years, performs about 200 operations marketing and technical assistance in the following countries: Algeria, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, England, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia, thus having the opportunity to be known by hundreds of manufacturers.


§ 1976 - Gottwaldow - Conference on Polyurethanes organized by Montedison.
§ 1980 - Strasbourg - SPI / FSK International Conference on Cellular and Cellular Urethanes not - with the work: "Special Polyol for the Production of Flexible Polyurethane Foams with Improved Hardness Slabstock.
§ 1983 - San Diego - SPI 6th International Technical / Marketing Conference - with the work: "Is It Really Necessary to use an Auxiliary Blowing Agent in the Production of Flexible Polyurethane Slabstock Foams? First approach to Foams Espanded With Water Only”. ( [2] )
§ 1985 - Reno - S.P.I. 29th Annual Technical/Marketing Conference - con il lavoro: “How Atmospheric Humidity influences Foam Characteristisc during the Production of Flexible Slabstock Polyurethane Foams”.
§ 1986 - Toronto - 30th Annual Techical/ Marketing Conference - con il lavoro: “How to Find-out the Formulation by Testing a Foam obtained by Slabstock Technology”.
§ 1996 - Den Haag - The International Polyurethane Technology Conference (UTECH 96) - con il lavoro: “Software to Manage a Continuous Production of Flexible Polyurethane Foams”.( [3] )


publishes his work on the American magazine "Journal of Cellular Plastics" for about six years and collaborates with the Italian magazine "MACPLAS.

Work Report

During his activity he writes about 300 technical reports. Most of the companies were internal and therefore confidential.


In the course of its inventor, is designated in three patents.


This company produces a synthetic suede having the same name based on microfibers PET, held together by a polyurethane elastomer.
For reasons related to a technology now over 15 years, the quality of the polyurethane product has very wide fluctuation of quality.
The research work carried out in Nera Montoro, over 9 years of collaboration (back in about 70 technical reports) can achieve the following objectives: §
new manufacturing process that allows a financial burden very modest increase the production capacity of about 40% polyurethane.
§ With the new production process and the technological changes made to the system, you get more consistent quality of the polyurethane product thus contributing to self-company (the first in Italy in the textile sector).
§ Computerization of the production process of polyurethane that allows a safer and easier management.
§ Further improvement of the new manufacturing process that allows for a highly durable Polyurethane-Polyurea Xenotest in 1200 and the climate chamber (Jungle Test) and resistant to high temperatures (melting point> 270 ° C).
§ Development, in the pilot phase of a process of production of polyurethanes in aqueous solvent-type Anionic.

software production since 1994 is also interested in Computer and produces Program Management for Personal Computer for the manufacture of polyurethanes. So far he has produced and available for the following software products listed below: §

GPO: Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in solvent based Polyurethane-Polyurea that does not use or Aromatic Amines Amines aliphatic. §
ED 3 : Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in solvent based polyurethanes that Diols uses as chain extenders. + Procedure East Stop. §
ED 5 : Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in solvent based polyurethanes that Diols uses as chain extenders. Stop procedure East Þ.
OS § 3 : Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in solvent based polyurethanes that Diols uses as chain extenders. Applications for One-Shot. §
TO 3: Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in solvent based aliphatic polyurethane that makes use of aliphatic amines as chain extenders. + Procedure East Stop. § 3
WB: Software for Management of a production of polyurethane resins in aqueous solvent-type Anionic (acetone process). §
PU GATE II: Software for managing a production of flexible polyurethane foam in block continuous.

Venice, 12.06.2008
([1]) Since 2002 the business was sold to Dow Chemical
([2]) First work on polyurethane which offers a way for the elimination of CFCs.
([3]) First Management Software Polyurethanes presented at a conference.