Monday, February 28, 2011

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Ranking 27th day

New Orleans Jazz 43 (0)
London BigHeads 39 (3) Pisa
Cousins \u200b\u200b39 (4) St Petersburg
Mutes 35 (2)
Ballbreakers Dublin 34 (1) Los Angeles Cops
28 (1)
Drivers turin 25 (1) Dockers
Olbia 23 (0)
Atlanta Birds 20 (0)
Rome Gladiators 6 (1)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Vargas to Big Heads!

Big Heads announce the hiring of former player of the Mutes, Juan Manuel Vargas (pictured To make room for the disappointing Llama.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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BigHeads I touch the wire and die. Birds: It is not over!

We warned everyone not to even think about it. Because it would mean just thinking about getting hurt. Useless. In fact, Mr. Del Blacks, coach BigHeads not happy with the performance given in the afternoon, dressed in the other two splendid goals from Rodrigo Palacio (photo by: ), stroked in the late afternoon ' idea of \u200b\u200brecovering a miserable punticino the winner Tournament New Orleans (in the meantime to score political goals with the usual two Hernanes and Robinho). Result? Delay penalty miss in the evening by Cavani and away the pains and regrets. Now that the benefit was increased to seven points, repeat the message, so that it is even clearer. The championship is already the Jazz. It 'may not only think to approach it, why do unpleasant things happen. BigHeads, Cousins, Mutes and Ballbreakers fighting for a podium spot. All other company to avoid having to Glads, already demoted in August. That said, the fight for the podium and see Cousins \u200b\u200bMutes bring home a punticino, unlike Ballbreakers, which remain stuck to the pole after the binge Sunday. Be noted that both Pisa and the Russians did not make any goals, but the quality can still pink in their respective technical change to the collection. Here are 27 to share the Cops Mr. Di Carlo, also authors of a trial yesterday without infamy or praise. Further back another blackout for Drivers and Dockers, now attacked by Birds, with which networks and Palladino shorten Pato - 3 eighth place, confirming to all that still is not over and that salvation will to fight.
Top 11: Boruc, Rubin, Frogley, Pisano, Hernanes, Palladino, Ramirez, Palacio, Pato, Robinho, Totti.

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Ranking 26th day

New Orleans Jazz 43 (2) London
BigHeads 36 (1)
Pisa Cousins 35 (1)
Ballbreakers Dublin 33 (0) St. Petersburg
Mutes 33 (1) Los Angeles Cops
27 (1) Drivers
Torino 24 (0) Olbia
Dockers 23 (0)
Atlanta Birds 20 (1)
Rome Gladiators 5 (0)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Mutes Cousins \u200b\u200band close the market.

After Cops, even Mutes Cousins \u200b\u200band close the transfer market. The association operates an exchange for Russian role: by Grosso, Crespo Vargas and come Abate, Jimenez (in and Biabiany. The people of Pisa, however, acquire the expert outside of Bari Parisi in exchange for Jankulovski.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Ballbreakers rocking: The General Marotta overjoyed! Mutes in hibernation, now it gets tough.

The 25th day the turn of the Irish charged. Training coached by Giampaolo fact, after a week of controversy (which ended with the revolution imposed by the Director Marotta), becomes the protagonist of the best seasonal performance fabricating Canines with five goals, Gilardino, Nocerino (photo: ) and the double of Lodi newcomer, known as a true pupil of the Director. Last night, after the game, gloating statements of the same Marotta, who speaking on FantaTv stated: "... I gave a lesson to all those who criticized me for having hired Francesco (Lodi Ed), but I know for many years the potential of guy who, not surprisingly, has twice the its first appearance. "As he's wrong. Now the fight for 2nd place (known as the first round is worth talking about it, because the Jazz already have samples and they think only to entertain audiences with Shepherd, Matri and Robinho) are becoming more compelling, as the table of the contenders were seated (from today) also Ballbreakers. Other big to celebrate just BigHeads and Cousins, as the Mutes have misfired. The team coached by Del Blacks, respectively, and Marino fact brought home two points thanks to their striker (Cavani and Christmas), but players yesterday with two beautiful shotguns. centroclassifica A no points for the Cops, the authors test a colorless, while signs of revival come from Turin, where Drivers (with a cashier in a large dusting) to bypass the new Dockers MD (last stop at the pole), we get the seventh spot. Queued finally, in addition to the usual old story Glads, bittersweet day for the Birds, who only half punticino not bring home the result of the long-awaited breakthrough.
Top 11: De Sanctis, Pisano, Canini, Cannavaro, Inler, Nocerino, Conti, Di Natale, Cavani, Robinho.

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Ranking 25th day

New Orleans Jazz 41 (3) London
BigHeads 35 (2)
Pisa Cousins \u200b\u200b34 (2)
Ballbreakers Dublin 33 (4) St Petersburg
Mutes 32 (0) Los Angeles Cops
26 (0)
Drivers turin 24 (2) Olbia
Dockers 23 (0)
Atlanta Birds 19 (1)
Rome Gladiators 5 (0)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Ballbreakers: Marotta revolution! Jazz

After the heavy statements moves this week by the engineer Giampaolo, DG Fabrizio Marotta, only returned to Italy on Tuesday, has now responded to criticism of making a mini revolution via Mirante, Dallamano, Rigoni and Caputo, arriving in Dublin Agazzi (photo: ), Camporese, Lodi (ball of the Director) and Giannetti. Cops also switch ports, replacing Curci with Handanovic. Market movements finally Dockers MD (Barzagli and Ferrari for the striker and Motta) and Drivers (Spolli and Kuck for Perico and Jankovic).

Monday, February 7, 2011

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increasingly on! Absurd in Dublin: the DG in the Maldives, the team remains in 10! Rank

We say this for months by chance or not, as claimed by evil, for gufare. The Jazz have won. Period. The championship continues only to find out who the other two will be on the podium and who will (in addition to Glads) team designed the hell of B. Yesterday, the team led by Mr. Bisol, just to remind those in power, has provided yet another show with Ilicic, Hernanes, Pastor Matri and especially on the shields because, even though there were all his ex fans to rant and insult (in the Photos from a small example), the striker repaid the faith of the coach with a shotgun. Result? 4 points in the bag and everyone at home. Among the suitors in second place instead point out the great result of BigHeads that different networks of Cavani and Sanchez Mutes the bypass at 33, still the pole yesterday and now reached the third place by Cousins. The Tuscans indeed know no obstacles, and also thanks to the exploits of strikers Miccoli, Sneijder and Christmas now launched the final sprint to win the first place among the "normal". Continuing in the standings we can not talk about the case Ballbreakers. And not to zero, which could also be there. A infuriate coach Giampaolo (last night there is even talk of irrevocable resignation) was the general manager Marotta, who despite knowing the difficulties of the Rose (other than the injured or suspended), embarked Friday night surprise on his private jet Maldives. With the inevitable result of not making available to the technician to field eleven men. This week there will be a tough face to face: sensational developments are expected. We will keep you updated. A centroclassifica two points to Cops (a sign F. Flores, Vucinic, D'Agostino and Portanova) and especially MD Dockers, who now outnumber derelict drivers (more scratch!) Thanks to the achievements of T. Motta and Fabio Simplicio. The deep crisis of the Piedmontese open a small chink of light for the Birds, whose networks are diamonds Pato and then keeping the now former champions to -4 from the safety zone. Usual closing with Glads, who despite Jeda produce 19 to zero about 24 games. Guinness stuff.
Top 11: De Sanctis, Portanova, Zapata, Drawers, Ilicic, Shepherd, Sneijder, Sanchez, Matri, Eto'o, Di Natale.

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24 days

New Orleans Jazz 38 (4) London
BigHeads 33 (2)
Pisa Cousins \u200b\u200b32 (2) St. Petersburg
Mutes 32 (0)
Ballbreakers Dublin 29 (0) Los Angeles Cops
26 (2)
Olbia Dockers 23 (2) Drivers
Torino 22 (0)
Atlanta Birds 18 (1)
Rome Gladiators 5 (0)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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BigHeads: via Bojinov, Bergessio here! The festival

Through a press release published on its website, the London BigHeads formalized the purchase of Argentine Bergessio tip. The space is the disappointing Bojinov, for which it has come to a consensual resolution.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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zero: you save only Jazz, Cousins \u200b\u200band Ballbreakers. Drivers to peak! Rank

midweek I usually reserve many goals and great performances. This time, instead of Wednesday night races are avarissime of goals, and therefore the 23 ° day will go down in history as the day zero. Ten formations deployed in fact, seven are left without the pole. Only protagonists, as well as discounted Jazz, who make a point with Maxi Lopez, and Cousins \u200b\u200bare Ballbreakers. The Tuscans, in particular, become involved in a performance by shouting, topped by four beautiful goals scored by Di Vaio, Miccoli, Sneijder and the amazing Gennaro Sardo (photo by: ), but because of the bad mood of some big midfield and two goals against, all This fruit only 2 points. Just as the Irish education, which embeds two points but he scored three networks, with the tips and Borriello Pazzini on the shields, as well as the jewel of midfield Marchisio. Now is the formation of Mr. Marino, one led by the duo-Marotta Giampaolo can really aspire to a place among the great, as the second place (the first is not known how its history), is respectively two and three points . For all others, as mentioned, was a evening nightmare. And if the big Bigheads Mutes and not only pay the day of their super bomber, the other goes for Cops and Drivers, for which there is an obvious decline in the game and form. Especially for the people of Turin, who took home one punticino in their last seven league games! The plague of stuff to goals and points has continued into the hot zone of the standings, where the only ones who were and still sleep peacefully the Dokers, strong 4-point lead on the first of Birds relegated. Zero for the Glads. For now, the mini-revolution in the market used by the Roman ruling did not bring the desired results, but there is optimism about the future, if only to close the season with dignity.
Top 11: J. Cesar, Sardo, Canini, Maicon, Marchisio, Sneijder, Shepherd, Ricchiuti, Di Vaio, Pazzini, Maxi Lopez.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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23 °

New Orleans Jazz 34 (1) St. Petersburg
Mutes 32 (0)
Bigheads London 31 (0)
Pisa Cousins \u200b\u200b30 (2)
Ballbreakers Dublin 29 (2) Los Angeles Cops
24 (0 )
Drivers Torino 22 (0) Olbia
Dockers 21 (0)
Atlanta Birds 17 (0)
Rome Gladiators 5 (0)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Revolution Day Glads! The Cops close the market. Mutes and

The Gladiators are trying to close with dignity this disastrous season perform 5 operations market. Here come the defenders Accardi and Chivu, midfielder Isla and forwards Rudolf and Bogdan (photo by: http / / They leave the capital instead Burdisso, Criscito, Krhin, Hadrian and Mascara. The PSC, however, are the first team to close the transfer market bringing in california Santon, Sculli Paloschi, they replace the departing Giuliatto, Almiron and Ragatzu.